"We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobiles, rather than by the quality of our service relationship to humanity." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Go time...

You know how, as a child, there's that one thing, that one ride at the park, the high dive at the pool, that one seemingly Herculean task to which you aspire? Once that fear has been faced, that dragon slayed, you have "arrived".  Inevitably, there comes the moment when you finally decide to do it; to ride the Anaconda (yes, it was really called that) at King's Dominion amusement park (a shout out to my NoVa peeps); to hurtle yourself from the high dive at the community pool.  Once that decision has been made, (and this part is vital) and made public, all things point to the execution of said task.  As your wet feet tremble and claw their way up the steps to the long, grainy diving board, or the roller coaster chugga-chugga-chuggas its way up that first hill, you turn around to see if just maybe there might be a way out if you chicken out at the last minute.

There's no turning back.  It's go time.

Yeah, I'm there.


By the way, I got my placement.  I'll be teaching at Mwsama Primary School.  It's a locally-run private school that teaches mainly street children, orphans, and those from less-affluent (and that's saying a lot considering the average resident of Baga lives on one dollar per day) families.  Teachers at this school make $37 per month.  I'm excited to get there and get started!

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