"We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobiles, rather than by the quality of our service relationship to humanity." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The journey before the journey...

This morning, as I walked around the building, running various errands, I saw Tom (a counselor) videotaping some kids' science project.  They laughed as they charted the height that a shooting stream of Diet Dr. Pepper would reach after dropping Mentos into a two-liter bottle.  The kids were so psyched...so was Tom.  I saw Sarah (science) helping some kids focus a microscope for a lab.  Her enthusiasm for the topic was evident...and catching.  I heard students laughing with teachers, and saw so many teachers - like I do every day - truly enjoying their work.  Inspiring.

I've been doing a little research on Thailand...specifically on its people's Buddhist beliefs, one of which is the recognition that all things are temporary and that one should strive to live in the moment.  So, as I witnessed these happenings that occur every day in my school, I tried to realize what it is that we do - not over the course of a year - but in each moment.  And, while there are days that I struggle; today I was witness to great things.  I'm so excited to see this same magic at work, in a school half a world away.

Colleagues and friends have been so incredibly, unbelievably, unfailingly supportive and excited about my trip.  I'm so humbled by your enthusiasm, words of encouragement, and donations.  I guess that going into this, I figured that the adventure would begin in July upon my departure.  In fact, the journey before the journey will be pretty incredible, as well.

P.S.  To my anonymous donor:  As I know not who you are and therefore can't get a "Thank you" note to you, please accept my sincere thanks for your donation...people are indeed good.